June 19, 2013

Feature on Design Mom

I am so thrilled that Kendra's beautiful home is displayed on Design Mom!

In my very first post, I wrote that Kendra could take a simple item ~ one that most of us would overlook ~ and make it into a "creation"!  Well, now people all over the world can enjoy those handcrafted items as well as the bright beauty of her home.
My daughter-in-law said that you need to stand still so that you don't miss seeing all of the little details that Kendra has incorporated in her décor.  How true that is! 

In my opinion the word in her expedit reflects the feeling in the entire house ~ HAPPY!
And as a grandmother "Noni", there is no better feeling that knowing your granddaughters are growing up in a home that reflects their parents' love ~ a place where they are encouraged to develop their creativity and their own personalities ~ a place where their artwork is prominently displayed for everyone to see.

I am excited that Kendra has begun her on-line "Happy Home Interior Design" so that others can benefit from her creativity!

I am so proud of you, Kendra and of the warm and loving home that you and Scott have created!



  1. Hi! I found you guys via the Design Mom post. Kendra, I am so in love with your home and your overall philosophy on decor and life in general really.

    In our home, our son is also allowed to touch and play with anything in reach. Honestly..I was beginning to think maybe I was a little crazy for that. A lot of my friends have beautiful, "don't touch!" pieces and I thought just maybe I was doing my son an injustice by letting him go and explore. After reading your comments, I am once again assured in my decor and home philosophy.

    Thank for for sharing your beautiful space. It is perfect.

  2. Would love to know where you found your handbag!
