February 6, 2014

Wreath Season by Season - Valentine's Day Edition

Hi there!! Last week I mentioned the girls and I were busying ourselves making hearts, painting hearts and hanging hearts in order to stave off cabin fever.  One of those hearts projects was for the latest wreath currently adorning our front door.  It cost me about a dollar to make and took 10 minutes.

I started with (4) 8"x10" sheets of light pink, bright pink, super bright pink and white felt - purchased at Michaels for $.24/each.

I folded sections of two pieces of felt together and traced half a heart on one side.

 I cut those out and repeated the process by folding the felt again and again to get as making hearts out of the felt as possible.

I kept same white yarn covered "base" and just overlapped the felt hearts in a circular patternand attached them with hot glue. 

I wish the weather would be a cheery as my front door - it's gloomy/freezing here!!


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