August 12, 2011

Found - ReStore

Have you ever been to ReStore?  For those of you who haven't, ReStore is a resale business run by Habitat for Humanity that sells new and used building materials and home improvement items to the general public. All materials are donated and available for sale at 50% to 90% below retail prices - i.e. my kind of place!

Gaithersburg ReStore
I'd heard about ReStore through some other blogs and decided to check to see if there was one nearby and was excited to find one about 10 minutes from our house! So a few weekends ago I went(sans kiddos) and was pretty impressed/overwhelmed by everything they had.  It's the kind of place you need to take your time and look around because there is just tons and tons of stuff (think indoor yard sale)from furniture and lamps to tools and artwork.

 I love learning about the items I find and what they are worth selling for online. Below are some of the items I purchased on my first (but not last) visit. I have included a little info, what I paid and what I found as far as estimated value - although I have no plans to resell any of them. I just like to put on the American Picker hat sometimes (nerd - yup I'm well aware).

Anchor Hocking Vitrock Milk Glass Vase
Paid:$.50 Value:$18.50

Pair of woven seat bar stools 
These looked brand new and I love the pop of red in our kitchen.
Paid: $20/each Value: $80/each
Antique Brass Crane Riding Turtle Figurine Candle Holder (mouthful)
Thought this would look cute spray painted a bright color.
Paid $2 Value: $22.50
The gold-plated "trophy" creamer was too cute to pass up and it had
 overlapping D's engraved on it!
Paid: $1 Value: Not a clue
Vintage H.P.F. Macau Chinese Porcelain Quail Figurines
These birds look evil so I plan to spray paint them 
b/c I love the texture of their feathers.
Paid $.50 Value: $89 (well at least that's what someone is asking for on eBay)!

One of my favorite finds!
I'll call it the Railroad Worker's Toolbox. 
Lots of antique wood handle tools and wrenches.

I loved the handmade wooden box's handle and shape.
Got the pegboard in the foreground there too - $5 for 2' x 4' piece.

Antique Monkey Wrench stamped J.H. Williams Company Warranted
My vast online research said it was made in the late 1890's in Brooklyn, NY.

The box was filled with the above tools and lots of old railroad nails.
Overall the coolest thing I bought!
Paid: $18 Value: $50 (Could only find estimate for wrench).

Lots more pix to share of my latest yard sale trip in LBI and a Jr. League "Tossed and Found" event!

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