April 17, 2012

Rainbow Birthday Recap

So sorry we've been MIA!  I've been under the weather and getting on the computer just hasn't happened.  Happy to be back though - and feeling much, much better!

We had Layla's third birthday party last Saturday and it was so much fun!  Here are some photos leading up to the big day and the party itself.

Rainbow invite.

Layla and I made the invitations for her party together.
Crayons, glitter and some foam stickers was all we needed.

I saw

I saw a tutorial for these coffee filter flowers on Pinterest and thought I would give them a try.  Below you'll see how I used them.

We had tons of balloon - hanging and on the floor.  The kids loved it!

I fringed all the streamers so they weren't so ordinary. Time consuming but worth it!


I kept all the colors bright - even the snacks.  Target had the cutest serving platters and trays.

I recycled baby food jars to make these cute little bud vases. 
I added some ribbon, washi tape and split up a $7 Spring bouquet from the grocery store.

Here's where I used the coffee filter flowers I made.  I stuck them into the bushes out front for a festive/springy touch.

Close up of the "flowers".

My first cake! My Mom is such a great baker I asked her to make Layla's last two cakes but this year I wanted to do it myself.

I also made sugar cookies with vanilla icing that Layla's friends decorated...so much fun to watch them go crazy with the sprinkles!

Making a wish.

Success! I was nervous right before I cut into the cake that somehow the rainbow layers wouldn't look right..but they were perfect!  And the cake tasted yummy too.

We had a little Easter egg hunt in the front yard before the kids left. 
Plastic eggs and jellybeans = happiness:)

Each of Layla's friends got a little rainbow goodie bag printed with their name. 
Love that these are made of cotton so they are reusable.

Each goodie bag contained this shirt which fit the day perfectly.

My happy birthday girl!


  1. Cute! I would have loved a rainbow theme party as a kid!


  2. So cute! I'm working on planning my son's green birthday party this week. I've got parties on the brain ;-)

  3. SO impressed that you made and decorated the cake! Love all the rainbow details. Happy Birthday to layla!
