May 22, 2014

Mo Willems ~ "A Custom Pigeon Pillow"

I have yet to find a child who is not hooked on the Mo Willem's series of Pigeon books.  And, as a former English teacher, I know how important it is to read for pleasure at any age!

When Cloud 9 came out with their organic pattern line, I couldn't wait! 
I first made "reading poufs" for my grandchildren (diy available here).

And when Kendra asked me to make a custom personalized pillow for her sweet friend Belinda's daughter (a big Mo Willem's fan), I knew just what I would do.  The outside panels would be in two print which would boarder white fabric ~ perfect for personalization.

The cording would then be in the striped fabric cut on the bias.
No, I wasn't finished ~ our birthday girl, Glen Lake, needed the pigeon himself ~ so I cut pieces for the applique and sewed him on!


The end result was just what I wanted...

...and I am thrilled with how the colors work in a beautiful little girl's bedroom! 

 Hope you enjoy!  ♥

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