February 13, 2014

DIY Cacti

Hi and Happy Valentines Day!!  I have a decidedly unheart day related post today - but it sure is cute!
I remembered seeing this pin from Beci Orpin's book Home awhile ago and had be meaning to make time to whip up a few these sweet little cardboard cactus plants.  Well that day was yesterday...15" of snow + 1 snowed in husband +2  girls who love playing in the snow = craft time for mama!

I didn't need to go farther than our recycling bins and my ever-growing paint supplies to gather what I needed. I just followed what I saw in the photo - pretty much exactly as I saw it.  I did mix up the "planters" by using few tins cans (after cleaning them thoroughly) and then wrapping them in pages ripped out of a magazine (ads) and a small print that I cut down a bit.

I cut the cactus shapes out of the cardboard and painted both sides a solid color.

Once both sides were dry I added on stripes, dots and lines to give them more of a textured cactus look. And cut slits where the pieces fit together.

I love how they turned out!!  I used left over neon pink twine from this project for the blossoms.

One lives one the shelf in out master bathroom.  White rocks fill the planters and hold the cardboard in place.

Another on Scott's bedside table (this planter is my favorite) a Tommy Hilfiger ad with surfboards strapped to a roof!  The colors were perfect! 

As soon as the girls came from the cold, Layla declared the big cactus her favorite so this one is hers.

Have a lovely loved up weekend full of love!!!

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