September 9, 2011

Found - Movie Posters Redesigned

I am a HUGE movie fan - a little too much according to Scott - but it can't be helped. 

My brother, sister and I grew up watching a wide variety of movies and to this day I still love everything from the random and obscure to mainstream blockbusters.

I saw a few of these redesigned movie posters when I started "pinning" and was so in awe of the creativity and simplicity of these that I had to share a few of my faves.

I heart Max Fischer.

Doesn't everyone love this movie?

Why do I have to be Mr. Pink?

John Hughes movies are the best.

I always wanted to be a Tenenbaum.

Eee eee eee! At least that what it sounds like in my head! 

Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

It's been awhile....

Have probably seen this 100 times.

These would look great framed in a media room or home theater.  Or even intergrated with some other wall art.

The Ghostbusters poster cracks me up!


  1. These are absolutely wonderful...what a find!

  2. I was trying to decide which one was my favorite but I can't! I love them all!

  3. Love these! Reminds me of our childhood and how much we loved watching movies together.
