February 11, 2015

Valentine's Day Party #1

I never used to think too much about Valentine's Day before I had kids.  Yes, I wanted to go dinner on the big night, but that's about it.  Now, from the beginning of the month until the big day we are all about hearts and pink and candy and love around here...and it's made the month of February one of my favorites!

Rice Krispie Treats - soon to be hearts

Our first school party is today, Hadley's preschool Valentine celebration.  A few little snacks, handing out cards (with NOTHING attached - a mistake I made a few years ago with Layla's cards) and gifts of appreciation for her teachers.  Fun!

We found these cute printables here.
I let Hadley pick out her Valentine cards from some of the printables I found on Pinterest.  She liked these cute boy/girl hearts ones the best.  With these she can give the card to whomever it matches - they have different hair colors and styles.

Lastly, we put together these cute thank you gifts for her teachers as well as Layla's.  And all we needed was a few mason jars (I have ton after doing this little project) printable tags, bakers twine, scrapbook paper and lots and lots of M&Ms.

I'll be back tomorrow with how we made Layla's Valentines!

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