March 23, 2015

Introducing the Shore House

Hi there and happy Monday!  Today's post is one that I have been looking forward to writing for awhile but had been waiting until there was more to show and share.  You might remember me writing about going to the shore in New Jersey before.  Scott and I got married there and my brother and sister and I grew up going to the same shore house my mom spent summers in when she younger.  The house belonged to my great aunt and it was a great place spend lazy summer days, that was until our families started growing and the 1,200 sq. ft. house started to feel a little cramped - to say the least.   So when my aunt passed away in 2013 the house and adjoining lot were left to my mom and due to space limitations and other logistical issues the decision was made to sell the little shore house and build a larger one right next door.

The construction of the new house began at the end of August and is set to be completed in the next month and half.  My brother has been the liaison between the contractor and the rest of the family, no easy task, but he has made sure the house is everything we envisioned - and more.

Before this all started, I didn't realize just how many decisions would need to made, from the smallest (hinge finishes) to the largest (stain color for the hardwood floors throughout).  It has been a fairly easy process though since each decision is made on a "majority rules" basis so no one is left out.  And we all have had different jobs throughout the building process and one of mine has been creating design boards for each room/space so we can all see if the items we are considering using will work before purchasing them.  Over the next few weeks I'll share these along with sources and some interior shots.

We're all looking forward to this summer in a brand new house that we designed together!

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