November 11, 2011

Found - A Pinterest To Do List

So I have decided that for my "found" Friday post I'm not going to try to force something that I actually found/discovered/blah blah. Instead if I don't have something specific to share I'm going to feature something I saw on Pinterest and attempted to make/bake/undertake which will either result in success or failure but hopefully always something fun and/or interesting.

If you have been following along you're well aware that I am Pinterest obsessed (rhyming machine today!) as I have mentioned it here and here.  So after seeing this and this I was inspired to give myself the once a week task of taking something I "pinned" and making it my own.  I, however, will not always be posting my own tutorial because truth be told I don't have the patience (like a certain other co-blogger) to do a step then photograph it and repeat and then write about each step and repeat.  I'm what you call a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of girl so as soon as I get a second to cross something off my to list (i.e. no one is crying, hungry or stinky) I just hit the ground running and am lucky if I even snap a "before" photo for a makeover project before covering something in bright yellow paint - oops!

This week is just a small project (baby steps right?) featuring a clementine, some olive oil and a boatload of matches. 

Smelled yummy, looked pretty and made me feel like a champ!
The beginning steps took about five minutes but lighting the freakin' "wick" well that was another story.  But I have the say when it stayed lit for more than ten seconds I was looking around for someone to high five and Layla was more than happy to oblige.

Until next week - have a good one!

Post update: My little wicker chair makeover is Ohdeedoh today!!


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