June 12, 2014

Brightening Up the Bay Window

Hello!  So the bay window in our kitchen as pretty much stayed the same since we moved in.  The previous owners had stained the wood counter with this dark brown color that looked out of place once we put the butcher block countertops in.  But I dealt with it because it was brighten up the plants in colored planters and some of the girls artwork too.  I also wasn't sure how to go about removing it.  I thought the counter would have to come out or I would have to cover it with laminate...in an attempt to mimic the color of the butcher block. 

Then I had an "aha" moment and realized that I could just paint over it...or at least try to paint over it! I mean it couldn't get much worse!!  So after a little prep work and a few hours of painting and drying time we now have a brighter window in our kitchen a long with a pretty plant display...I love it!!


I went over the counter with light grit sandpaper a few times to remove any build up and to rough it up a bit so the paint would stick better.

After I vacuumed all the sanding dust up I applied two thin coats of primer to help cover the stain and wood grain.

At first, I had planned to paint the counter a bright white but decided it might be to matchy-matchy with the window trim and instead opted for some left over light gray paint I had.

I applied three thin coats with a foam brush and that was that!!


I got replaced most of the mismatched planters with some of the milk glass I recently found for a more cohesive look .

I love keeping a little water filled vase here now, the girls are always bringing me beautiful "flowers" (grass and weeds usually) when they come in from playing outside and want them displayed immediately.

The blue planter above was a little too blue so I cut a heart out of a piece of white paper and adhered it with a glue stick...easy!

So much brighter!  So much better!!!

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